Monday 16 April 2012

Stringing together a lovely weekend..

The magnificent pacific,  whispering winds
Chilly weather with a dash of sunshine.

Winding roads, dotted with cedars,
Picturesque homes, dancing daffodils

Long drives, through green pastures
soothing music, familiar gestures.

walking aimlessly, through bakery's and vintage stores
random happiness and so much more

A fleeting crush on the friend of a friend,
too bad, it comes with a soon-to-arrive-end

small sips of coffee, large gulps of surprising stories,
spilling secrets, gasps and giggles.

Old friends, tequila shots, karaoke nights
semi drunken philosophy, deep insights

wavering foot steps, a reassuring grip
lingering smiles and merry quips

fluffy pillows, soft blankets - cozy and warm
Smiling to myself, i slide  into a dreamless sleep

PS- Thanks for a memorable weekend  Anupie :)


  1. Its really refreshing to read such cool words when hot summer season is approaching.
