Saturday 2 June 2012


Just as the sound of anklets faded away and the creaky door banged itself shut, she strutted her head out and whispered..

S-  So tell he the one. Should i say yes? what if it goes wrong and i end up with a broken heart?

A- I  am no tarot reader to predict if he is 'the one'. We take our chances with people, with the hope that they will guard our vested trust in them. Its  a gamble, more or less. Nobody is sure of what they will end up with. A fairy tale or just a tale. But you will learn to trust your instincts * someday* and they will guide you.

S- So you took chances?

A-  Me? I have always played it safe when it comes to my heart.  Really safe. I have somehow never been brave enough to stand on that  vulnerable spot. Fear always held me back. The very thought of putting myself in a situation that has the potential to mess my life was jittery. Taking shelter under  individualism and feminism, i never ventured out into those doubtful lanes, for long. I consciously kept away, from the roulette, because i was scared of losing. Its like a sword hanging over your head perpetually, leaving you in a position where you can lose out on A LOT!

But come to think of it, the opposite is true too. People, still stand on that spot, with complete faith on another person.They bask in extreme happiness, which stems from trust and hope.  Banking on their risks, and hoping with all their heart, they pray it goes right. And yes, they experience unbelievable happiness, from the person who has their destruction code as well.Its a scary concept isn't it?  Weaving  a life around someone, comes with endowing them with a license to tear apart your world.

Relationships, call for subjecting yourself to either of the two cases..Extreme happiness or abject sorrow. Its a chance we all take. At some point in life, we muster up the courage to  spin the roulette of love...We take our chance with relationships. Its not an exact science. Its experimental. So nobody can predict the outcome. Its a gamble..more or less.

Some we win..Some we lose. But the lost ones, will remain as scars, reminding you of the learnings it brought along.And after all these years of dissecting love, i can assure you its a fun game with the highest learning curve!

'Chitti'...she interrupted.. as we heard footsteps approaching the room.  Pulling the flowery comforter upon ourselves , we pretended to be asleep.

S- Do you know you are my attic now? she whispered.

A- Attic? The flummoxed expression on my face, evidently asked for an explanation.

S- So you see..when i was a little girl ( Giving me the sixteen-year-olds-are-grown-up-too look)  i would crawl into the attic and pretend life got easier up there. Cowering behind dusty boxes, conversing with a lonely spider and narrating my owes in a sing-a-song somehow got easier. The darkness of the place, somehow gave me the courage to face the darkness in my own life. And now? *pause* I have you. You are my attic :)

Those words just hung in the air a little longer. Acknowledging it with a sleepy smile...
behind my closing eyelids, there was a warm glow that sweetened the feeling of being an aunt. A feeling that was disturbed, by throbs of fear and a desperate wish, that she does end up with a fairy tale:)


  1. Wow A. It was so beautiful to read. I loved every bit of it. And how true is what you wrote! Relationships are like gambling. But I fell completely in love with one particular line you wrote: 'Weaving a life around someone, comes with endowing them with a license to tear apart your world.' How true!
    I think I'll do a post on that line with all royalty (of the line) to you :)
    Keep writing! :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks so much. Yea you should totally write a post..looking forward to read it :P

  2. Beautifully written. Hmm, speaking of this when you find time :)

    Cheers :) - will return for more..I like the writing here.

  3. I totally loved this conversation!!! apart from the line that aaekay mentioned, I also loved "A feeling that was disturbed, by throbs of fear and a desperate wish, that she does end up with a fairy tale:)" Very Nice :) :)
